- Narkomfin denied Bad news, the Moskostruct exhibition that was foreseen to take place in the Narkonfin, was denied the permission form the residents. Apparently, the inhabitants are tired of journalists and students visiting the place, while none of their requests about the refurbishing of the building happens. Some rupture happened during last week in the relationship with […]
- AD n.7/6, 1970
- Leaving Moscow… We left Moscow with good feelings… we stepped into a very interesting subject and came back with renewed curiosity and enthousiasm to go forward in our project (s). The first impact with Moscow has been tough and puzzling, the impression was of an hostile and repulsive city, too big, too noisy, too competitive… and difficult […]
- Maryino Maryino is one of the biggest dormitory neighbourhoods surrounding Moscow. Built in the Eighties, it hosts today almost half a million inhabitants. It represents a good example of what is contemporary Moscow in terms of architecture, atmosphere and social organization. We choose to set in Maryino a shooting session with the participation of the young […]
- Bulgakov-mosca anni ’20 Let’s establish, once and for all: home is the angular stone of a man’s life. Let’s consider this as an axiom: without a home, a man can’t even exist. Having said so, I have something to communicate to all those who live in Berlin, Paris, London, etcetera: in Moscow there are no apartments. So, how could […]
- Moscow’s Avant-garde Architecture ‘Change life!’ ‘Change society!’ These precepts mean nothing without the production of an appropriate space. A lesson to be learned from the Soviet constructivists of 1920-30, and from their failure, is that new social relationships call for new space, and vice versa. Hernri Lefebvre, The Production of Space The Russian avant.garde of the 1920’s to […]